This topic seems so simple that it is almost obvious, but you will find that it is far from so. Many of us, even just out of curiosity, have tried to inform us on the internet if there really is a deep web and to what extent sites go down illegally. The Red Room would be "the apotheosis of illegality", where through a live streaming viewers can decide the fate of a victim, even going as far as his death.

But do such sites really exist or are they an urban legend? I will try to get there by steps.

The term "Red Room" derives from the Japanese metropolitan legend "Red Room Curse", which in turn refers to a horror animation created in Adobe Flash of 2000 in Japan. So if we really want to be picky, we will never find a site called "Red Room" on the deep web (unless the authors are very, very stupid).

Until a few years ago the red rooms were considered a hoax invented by some perverted individual and with a bad morality, but today, despite not having conclusive proof of the existence of these sites, people are led to think that they exist and that they also have many subscribers.

Before talking to you about the Red Room I should describe what the deep web is, but even this topic would require a lot of space in the article; simplifying we can say that the deep web is 98% of the web that we cannot access with normal search engines, although someone occasionally manages to reach illegal sites that are part of it. The deep web is not all "evil", but as you go deeper the illegal sites increase and the problems for those who surf there also increase. Pedophilia, drug and gun trafficking, videos of guts, chats of cannibal or perverted people, paid killers ... you can really find everything on the deep web, including hackers and criminals who could ruin your life.

For now, let's talk about legend: let's pretend that the Red Rooms don't exist and that they are only in the perverse dreams of some madman.

Nobody wants to talk about the Red Room openly and whoever does it wants to go anonymous: that's why I went to look for news on sites like 4chan and reddit (where users are anonymous). There the legend is told of sites where there is a live video of a room, usually bare and essential so as not to leave clues that make it trace the place, where there is a prisoner (usually a girl, a child or animal). The victim is brutally beaten, tortured, raped and sometimes killed in front of the eyes of the spectators who can also decide the fate or actions that the "executioner" must perform.

Because, you say ... For money on one side, for perverse pleasure on the other.

Are there people so sick that they want to see a girl or a young girl tortured or die?

According to the legend, those who have the "honor" of entering a Red Room (there would be a careful selection to prevent FBI agents or security authorities from being introduced) can simply watch what happens or type in chat and pay for something to happen to the victim: bitcoins are used (the currency on the net, not very traceable and safer) and depending on the action that the torturer wants to perform, you pay a fee.

In the red rooms the videos are generally very explicit: they range from harassment, torture and rape; if a spectator wants (for example) that the victim is whipped, he pays the amount requested in chat and will see his request fulfilled live ...

You will also understand that if the Red Rooms were real they would be videos of such serious crimes that even assisting would mean being complicit, let alone commissioning a victim, torture or worse.

How do you enter a Red Room? Always according to what anonymous people say, browsing the dark web (the dark part of the web) you can do a lot of things and one of these is to enter into private chats of people with somewhat "special" tastes and you will get in touch with users who will initially test your personality and try to find out who you are. If you pass the first "test" someone could offer you other hidden pages, giving you more and more private addresses that are inclined to your requests ... until you ask for an e-mail to which the owner of the website you are looking for will write to you.

Here I insert a little curiosity: Armin Meiwes, this name says nothing to you. However Meiwes in 2001 posted an announcement on the website "The Cannibal Cafè" (a site of hundreds of people who told the experience or the desire to eat human meat) in which he expressed the desire to eat a person and they answered several users until he found the right one who got killed and devoured!

But let's go on. Once contacted by the owner of the Red Room, this will send the data where to pay the entrance to the site and any requests for action on the victim; finally he will send the link and enable the viewer allowing him access to the red room. The user can generally give vent to the most perverse fantasies (because everything has a price) and can make requests such as specific torture, cutting of body parts and even death. Often there are more spectators and at that point the requests will have to be made in turn.

Ok, I could tell you many other "rumors" about the Red Room; but in the end, do they exist or are they just fantasy?

I can't answer you definitively because I've never had the courage to even access the deep web, but there are two emblematic cases that are told throughout the network that seem to show that these things are real:

- The first is a video of some ISIS soldiers who behead a Turkish soldier: the less raw images of this video were given some time ago on the news and it was later learned that the execution was announced on the web (deep web of course) providing to viewers the date and time of the performance in order to see it live on an address enabled only for the occasion.

- The second is the work of one of the worst humans ever born on this planet: his name is Peter Gerard Scully, an Australian who had moved to the Philippines to create a secret child pornography site called No Limits Fun ", for which users also paid $ 10,000 to see girls raped by him, his fiancΓ©e and other masked monsters. The worst of Scully's videos is "Daisy's Destruction" in which a 2-year-old girl is raped to death. Peter Scully was tried for torture and sexual abuse of at least 8 girls, including one as young as 18 months old, and the creation, dissemination and trade of child pornography for a million dollar round.

Are the Red Room still legends?

After all that I have told you, I still cannot give you the certainty that they exist or not, but I feel like saying that human malice has no limits and that, given what the crime report occasionally brings to the surface, I believe that certain sites exist, unfortunately.


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