In ancient times, women with anxiety, mood swings and depression were sent by husbands to the doctors, who diagnosed them as suffering from a disease called "Hysteria”. The treatment was based on a “pelvic massage” in order to achieve hysterical paroxysm, known today as Orgasm.

There were so many who began to attend consultations to receive their “Treatment of Hysteria” that doctors end at the end of a working day were exhausted and with their hands cramped; for this reason, they decided to invent a useful device that produced rhythmic vibrations and achieved easier and faster the hysterical paroxysms in the patient without a need for the common manual massage: this is origin of the vibratory. 

At the time it was seen as a healing device, even wealthiest women had them in their homes for when they felt “hysterical outbreaks”. After the appearance of this  device in Pornographic films, it took on a pure sexual-erotic nuance and began to be seen as a sinful instrument.

"For thousands of years, women's health complaints were often diagnosed as “female hysteria” – a catch-all term that basically implied “it's all in her head.” The condition was believed to be caused by a wandering uterus and/or sexual frustration...

During the late 1800s through the early 1900s, physicians administered pelvic massages involving clitoral stimulation by early electronic vibrators as treatments for what was called female hysteria" 

"Through out history reasons for women acting overly emotional, erratic, sexually deviant, or any other pattern of acting outside social norms were explained as a symptom of Hysteria. The word ‘hysteria’ comes from a Greek word relating to the womb and the associated disorder can be traced all the way back to Ancient Greece where they believed that a woman acting hysterical was because the womb would travel around the body, putting pressure on the nervous system which in turn caused women to exhibit irrational behavior. Female Hysteria is no longer considered a medical condition but episodes of mass hysteria still persist as a real social phenomenon....

Of course the most infamous episode of Mass Hysteria and women was The Salem Witch Trials of the 17th Century. Between February 1692 and May 1693 the town of Salem and the surrounding  areas in Colonial Massachusetts experienced an episode of mass hysteria that resulted in twenty people being executed for the crime of witchcraft." 

"What did US government do to Native American children?
For decades, the US took thousands of Native American children and enrolled them in off-reservation boarding schools. Students were systematically stripped of their languages, customs, and culture"

"Trust the science"

For a while it disappeared from markets then later resurfaced with many sellers always in hiding and buyers having other varied reasons why they buy and use them as is the case today.


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