In 1961, the youngest son of former Vice President of the United States of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ, Nelson Rockefeller, Michael Rockefeller, went missing while traveling through Netherlands New Guinea.

In 1961, the youngest son of former Vice President of the United States of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ, Nelson Rockefeller, Michael Rockefeller, went missing while traveling through Netherlands New Guinea.

He was last seen when his trading canoe capsized as he was rowing through a part of the country. 

Western propagandists went on propagating that the Asmats, a tribe who inhabited the area, captured, beheaded, and ate Michael.⁠

When the Asmats tribe heard this, they said: "we are not cannibals, and we do not eat humans, ~the colonizers only know how to tell lies, and if you wish to know when they are lying then just observe when their mouth πŸ‘„ is open and moving up and down"

May 18, 1938, is the birthdate of Michael Rockefeller, a one-time area resident of note. A son of the late Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller, Michael remains missing: in 1961, he and a Dutch companion suddenly found themselves clinging to an overturned boat in waters just off New Guinea. Michael swam for shore - but vanished! No trace of him was ever found, despite a two-week search involving ships, airplanes, helicopters and thousands of locals prowling the coasts and jungle swamps. His companion had remained with the overturned boat, and - quite miraculously - was later rescued.
If you do not recognize him in this photo, by 1961 he had transformed from a clean-cut college student to this bearded photographer and primitive art collector. Final note: To be a bit more accurate, Michael's time growing up was divided between Pocantico Hills and Manhattan.
Michael is included in this list of some of our former teachers as well as other local notables:


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