May 29, 1992 (MACABRE HISTORY) Fier, Albania.

I can't find anymore who asked about the worst crime in my town!🀷 But I spent sometime Google translate and adapt the history in English so I think I have to publish it! (Sorry if it's not in perfect English)

May 29, 1992 (MACABRE HISTORY) Fier, Albania.

According to the report recorded by the Fier police: Shortly after midnight, when the clock struck 00:45, in the apartment of the Puto family, the authorities entered the rooms where the 8-month-old baby, Mardalena, slept. They folded the bars of the windows and removed its glass masterfully, in order to enter the room without making any noise. As a start, without asking for any explanation, the killers hit with an axe at 30-year-old Agim Puto, the youngest son in the family, who had only came from Greece a few days ago, where he had emigrated for almost 1 year.

Then, the killers hit Agim's wife, only 25 years old, who, according to the police, felt the noise. She died with her hand on her forehead, to protect herself from the axe. 
The perpetrators, dissatisfied with the two victims, left the room of the young couple who died and headed to the elderly. They tie up old Zenepe and fight with the old man, Petrit. 

After securing the death of the elderly man, they return to Zenepes.
Police suspected the killers pressured and tortured the elderly woman, provided she showed they were hiding valuables, the family inherited, and the son's savings. The reluctance of this, as well as the leaving in the hands of the killers of the only suitcase expensive, which Zenepa's father has brought from  Egypt many years ago has made the murders leave her in the last throes of life.

The baby cried incessantly, so they went to the room and hit her behind her neck with a crowbar and  wisted her  neck. 
Early the next morning, Mitat Puto, the family's eldest son, who lived next door, entered the house and faced the gruesome scene. He first saw the mother, who was covered in blood and happened to be lying in the hallway, while the walls and ceilings throughout the apartment were bloodied. Zenepe died while traveling to the hospital to Fier, about two hours after the events.

 Even the eight-month-old died on the way to the hospital. The forensic expertise of the time has revealed that the couple, Agim and Rajmonda Puto, died on the spot after the hit. All the four adult victims, (with the exception of the eight-month-old baby), had the deep mark of being hit with an ax in the middle of the forehead. 
The authors were two brothers from the same village Josif dhe DritΓ«bardh Γ‡uko. They admitted everything and their trial was fast and the decision was hanging execution.
The hanging of two brothers from Libofsha marked the last execution in Albania. This sentence was strongly opposed by international organizations, but found support in local public opinion. At a time when the social order was changing, dozens of criminal gangs sprang up across the country, mostly dealing in theft but often causing casualties. The Libofsha massacre, with the shocking images of the scene, broadcast on state television, was undoubtedly the most shocking that the Albanian public had ever seen, unfamiliar with the black chronicles. If there was no quick reaction to this event, criminals across the country would take off. After a 24-day trial the two brothers were found guilty and sentenced to death, hanging in the middle of the city. The hanging took place on June 25, 1992 (as seen in the photo) in the middle of the city of Fier and the bodies were left hanging until the next evening to be seen by the crowds of people who came from other cities. 
The execution by the methods of communism, in the middle of the city, had the effect that the leaders of the state expected. "Crime was rampant across the country and it took time to reawaken."


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