Sleeping cat netsuke (miniature sculpture) made from ivory

Sleeping cat netsuke (miniature sculpture) made from ivory by Kaigyokusai Masatsugu (Japan, 1813-1892). The first recorded mention of cats in Japan comes from a teenage emperor in the 9th century.

On March 11, 889 CE, 17 year-old Emperor Uda wrote: "On the 6th day of the 2nd Month of the First Year of the Kampo era. Taking a moment of my free time, I wish to express my joy of the cat.

 It arrived by boat as a gift to the late Emperor, received from the hands of Minamoto no Kuwasahi. The color of its fur is peerless. None could find the words to describe it, although one said it was reminiscent of the deepest ink. It has an air about it, similar to Kanno.

Its length is 5 sun, and its height is 6 sun. I affixed a bow about its neck, but it did not remain for long. In rebellion, it narrows its eyes and extends its needles. It shows its back. When it lies down, it curls in a circle like a coin. you cannot see its feet. It’s as if it were a circular Bi disk. When it stands, its cry expresses profound loneliness, like a black dragon floating above the clouds. By nature, it stalks birds. It lowers its head and works its tail.

It can extend its spine to raise its height by at least 2 sun. Its color allows it to disappear at night. I am convinced it is superior to all other cats."


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