Palestinian Children Live Under the Intensifying Waves of Israeli terrorism and violence

Palestinian Children Live Under the Intensifying Waves of Israeli terrorism  and violence

In this analysis about the Israeli atrocities on poor Palestinians, especially their children and teenagers, I want to raise the issue of innocent children, who are being murdered and arrested by evil Israel in, Gaza and occupied Jerusalem during different air and field attacks on Palestinians, it also includes the death of 7 year old Palestinian child-Ali Abd Al-Latif- who was killed during recent Israeli air strike on Gaza. 

The purpose of this post is not but to remind Israel that what sort of genocide they commit against Palestinian children is unforgivable for human world, and they have to pay for that sin today or tomorrow.
They are doing all this violence against Palestinians for their three missing children as they say but, in fact this fresh calculated terror move has been initiated by Israel weaken Hamas and to kill the effectiveness of reunify of Palestinians.

 We all know that they openly threat Hamas and people of Palestine for all kind of destroying attacks and atrocities threatening to attack on West Bank and Gaza , they already ransacked a number of Palestinian houses, destroyed dozens of homes of helpless Palestinian in Occupied Areas ,Killed more than 7 Palestinians including 2 teenagers and made dozens of them critically  injured.

 I am quoting few word of from official Face book of Israel to have the people understand the real trends of fresh Israeli terror activities in Palestine with thanks to Al Akhbar  dated ( 20/6/2014):
“Until the boys are back, every hour we shoot a [Palestinian] terrorist.” This is the name of a Facebook page that has garnered over 20,000 likes, as reported by the Electronic Intifada — this bold call for the extrajudicial assassination of so-called Palestinian ‘terrorists’ comes after the disappearance of three Israeli teens from Israel’s illegal Gush Etzion settlement. 

In response to their disappearance the Israeli occupation forces have launched a massive manhunt, conducting widespread operations, in order to find the teens who went missing Thursday evening. By simply perusing the official Facebook page of the “Israeli Defense Forces” you will find Israel’s staunchest supporters leaving prayers and death threats directed at the Palestinian people, one after the other, from calling for the Israeli army to “just wipe Gaza off the map” and “flatten the West Bank” to demanding Israel make an announcement that “if [the teens] are not turned over safe and sound within 24 hours, every Palestinian city will be burned to the ground. 

Then carry it out if they do not comply.” “That's the only thing these savages understand,” writes one user in response. “The Arabs will never become civilized. Only through violence can [we] create a better tomorrow for our people.”

The Point I just need to stress upon is that:  Israel must Learn to Remember the Thousands of Murdered, Wounded, Detained, and terror victim Palestinian Children with Your Three “Missing” Children) .

**** A new UN report says Israeli forces killed one Palestinian and injured more than 100 others from April 8 to 14 alone. (Add many more till now including more than 5 Palestinians massacred during Israeli air strike on Gaza and other attacks on them in running month (June 2914)  .
--- The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in his report released in 2014 and base on early months of the current year, said at least 20 children were among the victims of Israeli atrocities.
--- The report said Israeli forces also razed down 15 Palestinian homes, which led to the displacement of dozens of Palestinians within the period.( now add at least two dozens more). 

--- The UN official report says “since the beginning of 2014 Israeli forces have killed over 20 Palestinians and wounded more than 700 in the besieged Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank”.
--- In 2013, Israeli troops killed nearly 30 Palestinians in the West Bank and nine in the Gaza Strip, according to a report compiled by B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. Israel holds a significant number of Palestinians in prison as “prisoners” and “Administrative Detainees” without any trial in the court. 
--- The Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs says “till April 16 that 5,000 Palestinian inmates remain in Israeli prisons.

--- Out of the 5,000 inmates 476 are sentenced to life imprisonment, the report also includes the incarceration of 19 Palestinian women and 200 children.
--- The last murdered Palestinian child is Ali Abd Al-Latif, 7 years old, (14 June, 2014 wounded during air strike)
--- The last murdered Palestinian youth is Martyr … Ahmad Al-Sabarin, (20), (He was killed by occupying forces from a gunshot wound to the chest during a military raid of Al-Jalazun refugee camp north of Ramallah on Sunday, 15 June …. …(June 18 2014)

--- But again the fact changed very sadly when Israeli Troops Killed a 14-year-old Palestinian teenager Mohammed Dudin who was shot in the chest, The Israeli army killed him While Searching for the Three settler Teenagers. (This item was written three days before but before I post it up tow more Palestinians have been killed during the fresh bloody Israeli violence as every day appears  with information about   some new martyrs
The said report, released by Palestine Information Center, also pointed to other scandalous facts regarding the fate of Palestinian inmates in Israeli prisons, holds a significant number of Palestinians in prison. 

 Israel applies Imprisonment a primary tool of Israeli oppression or , let me say “ ethnic cleansing” against the Palestinian people, half of whom have gone though detention,” including administrative detention, arbitrary detention, and temporary detention”, police detention ,army detention etc at Israeli checkpoints and police stations. 

The one of the main reason of these fresh terror waves of Israel against common Palestinian is reunion of tow Palestinian factions. When reconciliation occurred appeared them, Israel was very uncomfortable with that as it expressed her strong worded reaction against Palestinian unity very clearly. They took it uncompromisingly “damning of what it said was a deal with terrorists committed to its destruction”. 

But it looks as she made it a planned target to to destroy and weaken Hamas Power which is a lonely real resistance against Israeli terrorism and its hegemony in the region. Now in the West Bank and Gaza, innocent poor and normal Palestinians are paying the price of this evil move. in the form of Zionist  Violence and terrorism..

This sort of humiliation is not limited to children. Women are also being equally victimised of this criminal - bloody method of crack down ,kidnapping and state terrorism. The International Committee of the Red Cross documents that “700 children are detained every year, 65% of them under the cover of darkness, as Al-dameer Association for Human Rights points out. This occurs in an atmosphere of terrorism and includes breaking down doors and densely shooting bullets to cause panic”. ( Yousef  M.Aljamal forCenter  for Political and Development Studies, Gaza).
during fresh waves of Zionist/Israeli terror

This has been repeated many times in West Bank: Al-aroub Camp, Bit-rima village near Ramallah City, Bit Ummar village, Nabi Saleh, and other Palestinian Occupied Areas.

 All most all major Human rights organizations and UN officers expressed their concern over the illegal detention and killing of Palestinian children. They clearly said the detention executed by Israeli authorities “have been explicit breaches of the international humanitarian law.

**** Here I present for you shocking information about Israeli cruelty and Child Terrorisms which have been provided by few former Israeli soldiers, who disclose “routine mistreatment of Palestinian children. (The report assessed by 
Harriet Sherwood, Jerusalem – August 26, 2012 in Booklet of testimonies of former Israeli soldiers describes beatings, intimidation and humiliation of children). The  abstract of the report help you to realize the most harmful Evil of the Earth – Israel- and its original face, which is as follows:
Report says “More than 30 former Israeli soldiers have disclosed their experiences of the treatment of Palestinian children during military operations and arrests, pointing to a pattern of abuse”.

A booklet of testimonies, published by breaking the Silence, an organisation of former Israeli soldiers dedicated to publicising the day-to-day actions of the army in the occupied territories, contains descriptions of beatings, intimidation, humiliation, verbal abuse, night-time arrests and injury. Most of the children had been suspected of stone-throwing.
The witness statements were gathered to show the “common reality” of acts of violence by soldiers towards Palestinians, including children, in the West Bank, said Yehuda Shaul of Breaking the Silence.

 “Sadly enough this is the moral consequence of prolonged occupation of the Palestinian people”, he said”.
One former soldier describes serving in Hebron in 2010: “You never know their names, you never talk with them, they always cry, shit in their pants … There are those annoying moments when you’re on an arrest mission, and there’s no room in the police station, so you just take the kid back with you, blindfold him, put him in a room and wait for the police to come and pick him up in the morning. He sits there like a dog …”

Children frequently soiled themselves, according to the testimonies. “I remember hearing him shitting his pants … I also remember some other time when someone pissed in his pants. I just became so indifferent to it, I couldn’t care less. I heard him do it, I witnessed his embarrassment. I also smelled it. But I didn’t care,” said another.
Another soldier describes an incident in Qalqiliya in 2007 in which a boy was arrested for throwing stones. “At the end of the day, something has to make these kids stop throwing stones on the road because they can kill,” he said.

“That specific kid, who actually lay there on the ground, begging for his life, was actually nine years old I mean, a kid has to beg for his life? A loaded gun is pointed at him and he has to plead for mercy? This is something that scars him for life. But I think if we hadn’t entered the village at that point, then stones would be thrown the next day and perhaps the next time someone would be wounded or killed as a result.”

Some of the statements illustrate the disjunction between the Israeli military and Palestinians. One soldier said:
 “You put up a checkpoint out of boredom, sit there for a few hours and then continue on. Once I saw kids passing, and one of the guys, a reservist who spoke Arabic, wanted to ask them what they study. He didn’t mean it in any bad way. Then I saw how the kid nearly peed his pants as the guy tried to kid with him, how the two worlds are simply disconnected. 

The guy was kidding and the kid was scared to death.”
Most of the soldiers have given testimonies anonymously. One, who spoke to the Guardian, said he had been given no guidance during his training for military service on how to deal with minors. He said children were sometimes arrested and interrogated, not because they were suspected of an offence, but to try to elicit information about older family members or neighbors.

He had given a witness statement to Breaking the Silence because “I thought that people who don’t see this on an everyday basis should know what’s going on.” He said many Israelis were unwilling to acknowledge the reality of the military occupation in the West Bank. “It’s very easy [for the Israeli public] to be completely detached. It’s a hard thing to handle – stuff like that being done in your name.”

According to Gerard Horton of Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI) the testimonies confirm a pattern of behaviour uncovered by his organisation’s research into the treatment of Palestinian children by the Israeli security forces.
DCI and other human rights organisations say Palestinian children are routinely arrested at night, handcuffed, blindfolded, mistreated and denied access to their parents or a lawyer.

“For years credible reports of human rights abuses against children living under Israeli military occupation have emerged,” he said. “These latest testimonies from young soldiers given the task of enforcing the occupation provide further evidence of its deeply corrosive effects on all.

Fresh Report    And this is fresh report submitted by Palestinian Authorities to UN  on 17 June ,2014 ( published on 18 June 2014 by Palestine at the UN), Some aspects of the report are given below: 

The submitted report says:
“I wish to turn your attention to the recent violations against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.  In this regard, the Israeli occupying forces have continued to carry out missile air strikes and artillery bombardment of civilian areas in the Gaza Strip in grave violation of international law, including the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, deliberately targeting and killing Palestinian civilians.
On Wednesday, 11 June, Israeli occupying forces fired a missile at two passengers who were riding a motorbike, instantly killing one passenger, Ahmad Al-Awour, 20 years old, as well as seriously injuring many others.  Tragically, one of the injured was an innocent bystander in the vicinity of the attack, Ali Abd Al-Latif, 7 years old, who died on Saturday, 14 June of wounds he sustained as a result of the attack. 

 Moreover, the military campaign and artillery bombardment of civilian areas in the Gaza Strip continued throughout the night on Monday, 16 June, injuring several more people and causing destruction to civilian properties as well as causing panic and terror to spread among the Palestinian population in the besieged Gaza Strip.
In the occupied West Bank, Israel, the occupying Power, has intensified its illegal measures and collective punishment against the Palestinian people, following the incident in which three settlers went missing while they were hitchhiking from the so–called settlement of “Kfar Etzion,” which is located between Jerusalem and Al-Khalil (Hebron) on Friday, 13 June. 

Since then, the occupying Power has embarked on a violent and brutal campaign of repression, which has included mass arrests and mass closures throughout the Occupied West Bank.  In this regard, till now more than 800 Palestinians, including members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, have been arrested by the occupying forces.  Furthermore, as a result of its excessive and indiscriminate use of force, Ahmad Al-Sabarin, 20, was killed by occupying forces from a gunshot wound to the chest during a military raid of Al-Jalazun refugee camp north of Ramallah on Sunday, 15 June. 

WE are unable to mention here the name of last martyr as the list  of Palestinian martyrs increases up after every passing day.     
The day three Israeli teenagers Gilad Shaer, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Ifrach disappeared  Palestinian people from West Bank to Gaza  face a very dangerous trends of  new Israeli terror waves as Israel has made their life hell making it case to arrest hundreds of Palestinians and killing more than half a dozen in West Bank and other occupied areas during last eight days The three Israeli teenagers were hitchhiking to their homes from schools in the West Bank, 
During that time a number of Palestinian children have been detained by the Israeli army and police they are binge terrorized and, even murdered by them, their hoses are being badly ransacked and Palestinian teenagers and women are humiliated in their own homes with brutal and heavy terror crackdown of Zionist soldiers and as rightly said by Bethan Parry “Palestinian life has been plunged into fear and disarray”

 In what is now clearly much more than a bid to return missing teenagers, Israeli forces have unleashed a very calculated military crackdown on the West Bank — It’s a matter of big concern for world of human beings that no one is talking about this Zionist atrocities and brutalities against Palestinians from UN office or from the Muslim world or from the international media with sincere message
In the first night of fresh Israeli atrocities on Palestinian more than 150 people were arrested and abducted by kidnapper like Israeli army, supposedly under an illegal move associated with the kidnapping of three missing children.. 

But Palestinians complains “neither this, nor the disproportional military siege unfolding in the West Bank, made the global headlines?  Its very sad to sy that Muslim world has also put themselves at silent mode for unacceptable hypocrisy or some “unknown reasons”. Following are the words of a common Palestinian family’s complain and inner pain from West Bank anticipating another night of unrest, fear and Israeli terrorism:

"We are terrified and tense, but also hopeless and disappointed," Issa Amro, a human rights activist from Hebron told Mic.
"Around the world, the media report only the three missing Israelis, but not 800,000 Palestinians living under occupation in Hebron. The Israeli strategy is not to find the boys, but to punish Palestinians. They are destroying our dream of creating our own state, and our dream of living in freedom."


. We call on the international community to the occupying Power to cease its actions of mass closures and mass arrests and massacre of innocent Palestinians throughout the Occupied West Bank and to cease all forms of collective punishment and human rights violations against the Palestinian people”. O men of truth and justice and O rulers of Muslim world( I am not addressing  the villains of them in the forms of leaders like Abdul Fattah Sisi, King Abdullah, Mahmud Abbas …) Where’s the outrage of the civilized nations over the frequent killing and kidnapping of Palestinian children???

 Israel it is not but just to remind you that you must learn to remember these murdered, detained, injured and massacred Palestinian children with your “missing” children and don’t exceed the limits and barriers made by God for every individual and nation to follow,  as time is running short for you.

Nite- (The photos shown with this analysis are of the fresh Israeli atrocities and violence on Palestinians as few example of Zionist terrorism,, for more pictures and details you can refer my previous posts)
Ayaz Ahmad Islahi


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