There was corporal punishment in the UK up until the 1990’s.

There was corporal punishment in the UK up until the 1990’s. Boys would get the cane, and it could have been with trousers down or even across the bare bottom. I got it across my pants several times. Girls tended to get the slipper, and this could sometimes be across the knickers. Mostly girls were punished by female teachers, but it was not unheard of for a senior male master to slipper a girl. She’d have to bend over, and the master would turn her skirt back. She could get up to 6 whacks. I heard of one head-master who would spank the under 13’s over his knee across their knickers, with 8 or 9 spanks. The over 14’s would get 8 or 9 hard whacks with the slipper across their knickers… the older you were the more you would get, and the harder it would be. This could include 6th form girls. In the 1960’s & 1970’s with more permissiveness, older school-children would flout the rules more, earning more canings & slipperings. Definition of Corporal Punis...